Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Take On Today's Presidential Election In France

French Socialists’ Joy Of Election Victory Will Be Shortlived -- Ben Brogan, The Telegraph

The winner in the divisive French presidential election between Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande faces an angry nation that can no longer duck hard choices.

Fear of the mob drives French politics, and has done since 1789. Tomorrow night the French Left will gather in their thousands at the Bastille to celebrate what they are certain will be another revolution. They will wave banners and red roses, sing the Internationale, and tear around the streets, horns blaring, to celebrate a socialist capturing the presidency for the first time in nearly 25 years.

Read more ....

My Comment:
I live in Canada .... more specifically in the french province of Quebec. In the past year Quebec has received a wave of young French immigrants who left France in search of work in North America. When I talk to them about what is happening in France .... their opinions have been universally the same. Unless there is a radical change in the status quo .... more specifically .... in how the French government operates and regulates the economy .... there will be little if any future opportunity for young entrepreneurs (or the young in general) in France.

As to today's France's Presidential elections ... all of them tell me the same thing .... the Socialists will win power today .... but their solutions to the crisis are exactly the same policies that put France and much of Europe into the bind and heavy debt that they now find themselves in.

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