Friday, May 4, 2012

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 4, 2012

Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta speaks at an annual reception for the Environmental Defense Fund at the Renwick Gallery in Washington, D.C., May 2, 2012. Panetta thanked the organization for recognizing Defense Department efforts to make military bases and equipment more efficient and environmentally friendly. DOD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo

Officials Troubled Over Behavior Of U.S. Troops -- Air Force Times

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is growing increasingly concerned about the spate of embarrassing misconduct by U.S. troops that has tarnished the military’s public image and jeopardized the success of missions abroad.

“The problem with these incidents is that there is a price to be paid. It not only hurts us in terms of lives that are lost, but also sometimes it impacts on the very mission we are engaged in and also hurts morale,” Panetta said in an April 30 interview in his Pentagon office. “There are a few bad apples out there that can impact by virtue of doing the kind of stupid things that sometimes they do.”

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Russia threatens military strike over NATO missile defence 'if U.S doesn't back down' -- Daily Mail

Syrian Chemical Arsenal "Alarming": OPCW Chief -- Global Security Newswire

Draft overhaul threatens to convulse Israel -- CBS News

Hammond: UK Would Welcome Enhanced Defence Relationship with Germany -- Defpro

Chinese Military Opens Up in Hong Kong -- Wall Street Journal

Kyrgyz President: US Base Not Only About Money --

Kazakh Defense Exhibit Features Helo, Vehicle Deals -- Defense News

Australia to push back F-35 decision by two years -- Flight Global

Canada: F-35 debate so far missing the point

USA assessed value of Japanese F-35 aircraft at $ 10 billion -- Avionews

Japan Tackles Perils To Building, Selling Its Own Next-Gen Fighter -- Aol Defense

Military wants to know: Whose satellites are those? -- MSNBC

Senior official raises F/A-XX doubts while retired USMC Generals question USN’s F-35 commitment -- Flight Global

Military whistleblowers express fears about F-22 safety -- CBS 60 Minutes

Drowning in Video, DoD Looks for High-Tech Help --

Tablet PC to replace paper for Network Integration Evaluation -- Defence Talk

Insurgents’ Homemade Bombs Are Increasingly Duds -- The Danger Room

Bin Laden Worried About American ‘Tracking Chips” -- Defense Tech

GPS Competition Is Catching Up
-- Strategy Page

Steps Needed to Break Stalemate on Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons
-- Defpro

One of Two Nearly Censored Bird Flu Papers Published -- Global Security Newswire

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