Friday, May 4, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- May 4, ,2012

Blame China, Not Obama Or US, For The Plight Of Activist Chen Guangcheng -- Nicholas Burns, Christian Science Monitor

Beijing, not US mishandling, is responsible for activist Chen's predicament. The US often needs to balance its concern for human rights in favor of Beijing’s cooperation on pressing global issues. This is not one of those times. Obama must stand up to China to defend Chen’s rights.

The dramatic events in Beijing surrounding the brave Chinese activist, Chen Guangcheng, are confounding and hard to fathom at such a great distance and without all the facts. That has not stopped critics who should know better from rushing to blame the Obama administration for having mishandled negotiations with the Chinese authorities over his fate.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

China might bail Obama out of dissident deal mess
-- Rick Moran, American Thinker

Under Obama, U.S. Is No Beacon To Chinese Dissidents -- IBD Editorials

Lines in the Sand: Assad Plays the Sectarian Card
-- Jackson Diehl, World Affairs

After Bo and Chen: How Beijing’s Intrigues Will Impact U.S.-China Relations -- Ishaan Tharoor, Time

Chen, China and America: The disputed story of a blind activist raises difficult questions for both superpowers -- The Economist

Hollande Is Half the Story: France's Populist Resurgence -- Martin A. Schain, Foreign Affairs

Obama’s foreign policy helps U.S. interests in Europe, Russia -- Michael O'Hanlon, Politico

Bosnia Still Needs Fixing
-- New York Times

Argentina the Outcast -- Luiz Felipe Lampreia, Project Syndicate

Has America given up?
-- James Kirchick, Haaretz

Made in China: Is America Losing its Grand Strategic Mojo?
-- Julian Lindley–French, Atlantic Council

The Thorny Issue of Population Growth -- Bjørn Lomborg, Slate

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