Friday, January 9, 2009

U.S. Military Budget 2010

U.S. Pentagon

Delay Expected for Full '09 Budget Proposal -- Defense News

The first task for Robert Hale, if he is confirmed as the Pentagon's new finance chief, will be to write a 2010 defense budget.

His predecessor, acting defense comptroller Kevin Scheid, didn't.

Instead of the usual annual spending plan that's big enough to fill several books, on Feb. 2 the U.S. Defense Department is expected to send Congress a budget outline that likely won't fill more than a handful of pages.

It will include a "top line," or outgoing President George W. Bush's proposed 2010 defense spending total - about $587 billion. And it may include totals for such categories as procurement, research and development, personnel.

Then, according to congressional staffers, the Defense Department, under marching orders from incoming President Barack Obama, will spend two months or so drafting the real 2010 defense budget. It won't arrive on Capitol Hill until April, a House staffer said.

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My Comment: Almost $600 billion dollars and change. I have no idea on what the incoming Obama administration will submit to Congress in its proposed Defense budget ..... but if history is any indication .... the Pentagon will get what it wants .... and maybe more.

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